Selasa, 05 Mei 2015


Save Energy means Save Money. Why Save Energy?

In fact, the world main resources for energy are from Non-Renewable Resources. For Example, 35,43 % of world's energy is produced from Petroleum, 28, 15 % produced from Coal, and 23,46 % produced from Natural Gas.
That means we use 87,04 % non-renewable resources for energy! Do you know how petroleum is produced? It's formed by plankton that buried in ocean million years ago. That means, we have to wait million years to make petroleum re-produced. Are you shocked? (I know you're not even shocked at all) but that's the fact we got.

So, we can save energy by doing 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). Reduce means decreasing the amount of energy we use everyday. Reuse means use again. For example, we can do "Reuse" by using plastic bags more than once. And Recycle means turning waste materials into a new material that worth more than the waste itself. So, what are you waiting for to save energy? SAVE ENERGY SAVE YOUR MONEY!

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